CNY GAMING SET GIVEAWAY ‼️‼️ GIVEAWAY ‼️‼️ GIVEAWAY ‼️‼️ 2021 is the year of OX🐃, Ajazz Team wish you Happy Chinese New Year. We are giving out a set of gaming gear as lucky red envelop Ang Pow! 2021是牛轉錢坤的一年,黑爵團隊恭祝大家新年快樂,萬事如意,牛年行大運🥳我們將會抽一位幸運兒作為我們的紅包🧧。你只需跟著以下的步驟去做,就有機會贏取這一份價值超過128令吉的黑爵紅包獎品哦!... Steps to win the contest: 1. Like & Follow our Ajazz Gaming Page 👍
2. Follow Our Instagram Page :
3. Share this post with your most creative Chinese New Year wishes. English, Chinese version also can. (So don't play play ah) 🥳🤩
3. Tag at least 3 friends in the original Post with comment Ajazz Ang Pow 🧧!
4. Price💲 is worth more than RM128 ! Once the contest done, we will announce winner on 28 February! What will you win on this contest?
1. Ajazz RGB gaming mouse AJ358
2. Ajazz gaming headphone AX120#contest Note: Mandarin Orange🍊 is not included🤪😂 #ajazz #新年快樂 #牛轉乾坤 #ChineseNewYear #chineseniuyear #CNY #cnygift #Dota2 #gamers #cyberpunk #gamingmouse #rgbmouse #gamingheadphone #giveaway #Contest1 See More