Dear customers, We are writing to update the status of ANYCUBIC Chiron 3D printer.📧 First of all, we sincerely apologize for the current situation.... As you may know, due to high demand and the initial QC issue, we are much behind the shipping schedule. Recently we have been pushing ourselves really hard to solve the QC issue and catch up all the orders. However, there are still much delayed. Now we are going to do the following: 🔷 We are going to finalize the delivery of all the printers to overseas warehouse and customers by air within this week. Specifically, we will deliver the items tonight to the port and the flight is on Saturday. Next week the printers will be in the warehouse and we will arrange the delivery right away.
🔷 For those orders that have been delayed, we keep our promise to offer free filaments (random color) as compensation this time, and we offer 15% off for your next order in our Aliexpress store. Please check out the list and we will contact you soon to deliver the filament. Besides, please contact us if you got delayed shipping but not on the list. Specifically, for the orders that have been delayed 7-15days we offer 1kg filament, delayed 15-30days we offer 2kg filament, and we offer 3kg filament if delayed over 30days. Particularly, we calculate the delayed days from the day when payment confirmed to the day when we ship out the package.
🔷 If you wish to cancel your order and get the refund, we guarantee 100% refund and please contact our Aliexpress people and they would guide you through the process. Here is the list for delayed Chiron orders in AliExpress store with filament compensation. Please have a check.

The following pictures are about the printer under testing and ready for shipping. Lastly, we are awfully sorry for all those hassles. We have learned so much on this Chiron launch. ANYCUBIC is a young 3D printer company and we are confident to be a good 3D printer company. We really appreciate the support and understanding from all of you. Sincerely, Team ANYCUBIC See more