Time to make a wish come true!! AliExpress Brands Shopping Week & ANYCUBIC Official Store
France/Spain Code: FES10(10€)
Russia Code: LETONEUHODI(1000₽)
♥New Arrival: ...
ANYCUBIC Mega Pro: US $299
♡2 in 1 machine of 3d printing and laser engraving. ♥Anniversary Deals:
❶ ANYCUBIC Photon: US $169
❷ ANYCUBIC Wash & Cure: US $129
❸ ANYCUBIC Mega Zero: US $139 ♥Bestsellers:
❶ ANYCUBIC Mega S: US $219
♡ Free gift: 10m PLA Filament
❷ ANYCUBIC Photon S: US $319
♡ Free gift: 500ml Resin & 2pcs FEP film
❸ ANYCUBIC Chiron: US $369
♡ Free gift: 0.5kg PLA Filament Note: Store link:
