#2020DoogeeWallpaperCompetition🥳🥳🥳 Groupe 02 (15th,July-21 july) participate link is here:

#ShareAndLike Time To Vote your favorite aesthetic wallpaper! 30 lucky voters of TOP2 design in groupe 01 one will win one chance for Review&Win smartphone 70%price refund gift card. ... #Participant Group01- Share and Get "50+ Likes" Doogee prepare you a secret gift and 80%price refund. #TheFinalWinner among all participants can win our Flagship smartphone cost 399$
Actions on publications are valid for each photo for 10 days of participation 10th,July,2020 (Notice:The use of autolike is prohibited. ) Some designs handed in are not published, participants can change another works and send it again. The size of the image in pixels:no less than 1M is better. Avoiding using words instead of visuals. Be original and creative. More details contact us in inbox. Thanks 展开