When you are looking for an on-camera monitor, what you looking for, let's see @monkeypixels why need a camera monitor. He is looking for two things: 1. Exposing my shots correctly. 2. Being able to pull focus under any circumstances. When you've already seen @monkeypixels video you already know that 90% of the time he is shooting handheld, running and gunning so you need to quickly change your focus fields and adjust exposure ran out in the field, and that you need to do und...er all kind of different circumstances. Therefore a FEELWORLD LUT7 7-inch is the perfect size to be able to judge focus and 2200nit is perfect when doing so in bright sunlight but can a monitor with these amazing specs 3D LUT, waveform for only 269.99USD. Pre-order now from FEELWORLD officia store with 10%off: