🔊 Without a doubt, streaming has come to stay with us 🔊
🔊 Without a doubt, streaming has come to stay with us 🔊
. We present the new: . 🎛 FEELWORLD LIVEPRO L1 Mixer 🎛... . 📡Multi-format video mixer for live broadcasts, with 4 HDMI inputs and one HDMI output, compatible with 1080p. . 🖥2 ″ TFT screen for live view and 4 camera preview. . 🕹Automatic cut-off function or manual transmission. . 🎙Audio input and output ports. . 📟Compact design, to be able to take it anywhere. . 📹Recognition as a webcam. 👏📸 Share By @falcofilms . 👉 www.feelworld.ltd #feelworldLIVEPROL1 #feelworld 展开
Published Date:10/9/2020 11:03:56 AM From:Facebook