#AnakGarmin, udah mencoba create course di Garmin Connectmu?
#AnakGarmin, udah mencoba create course di Garmin Connectmu? Fitur ini membantu menentukan rute mana yang akan di ambil sebelum memulai latihan
#GarminID See More#Anakgarmin, have you tried to create a course in Garmin Connectmu? This feature helps determine which route to take before starting the workout. So, you can set how far the distance will be taken or want to try another route that you have never been exploring.
Come on, make your route / course now, and don't forget to share to us your course, yes. We have 5 Garmin special hats for you lucky in the activity #runwithanakgarmin this time. Check out @garminid's instagram to know how to follow them.