2 small but mighty pedal combinations here for bass guitarists. The Moonbase Bass Guitar Effect Pedal and the FOH DI. Not all overdrive/distrotion pedals suit the bass, so the JOYO Moonbass gives a low frequency overdrive with a smooth subtle overdrive to Fuzz at their fingers! With its thick and rich tones, the bass pedal hits the low frequencies where other pedals fail, the Moonbase is designed for bass guitar players, from a natural warm drive to overdrive with a tiny bit ...of fuzz will drive your sound. Combine it with the JOYO F.O.H, Front of House, the Bass DI guitar pedal is probably the smallest bass DI Box you have ever seen ! This DI pedal is compact and portable, it can be used to run your Bass signal direct into a mixer, PA or computer Interface sound card with a TRS Balanced or Unbalanced connection. It's a perfect pedal for recording in the studio, and no need to hump your bass amp around to practice or gigs. With the three band EQ section you have a full tonal control to adjust to the venue and give the mix engineer the signal he needs. These pedals are small, but has all your big bass frequencies covered.
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