Sometimes I can spend ages just tweaking the EQ. The JOYO 10 band Graphic EQ effect pedal is suitable for both Bass and Guitar, giving you shaping control over frequency band ranges from 31.25Hz to 16 kHz. A 10 band slide control dials in deep lows, fantastic bright mids and crystal clear high end frequencies. Oh and just a little reverb .. nice.. #bass #mid #treble #joyo #eq #equaliser #guitar #guitarist #electricguitar #bassguitar #music #electronicmusic #synth #mix #mixer #dj #guitareffects #effectpedal #effectspedal #stompbox #pedaloftheday #vocals #recordingstudio #joyoaudio #joyoaudiouk
Published Date:11/3/2020 10:44:38 PM From:Facebook