【ThinkPad - 夢 創客】Guru Online 一個廣告,一條Facebook Feed,好多人眼中其實只係每日上百個Post入面其中一個,但對Guru Online嚟講,佢哋全部都係公司上下嘅心血結晶。 面對住節奏咁急速嘅網絡營銷市場,一部穩定同高性能嘅電腦絕對可以提升Guru Online同事嘅工作效率,不斷創作去回應市場需求!而佢哋嘅資訊科技部代表Brian將會同大家分享ThinkPad點樣同佢哋一齊奮鬥,幫輕佢哋嘅日常工作,而更快捷有效咁完成目標!想知更多,就記住留意我哋之後嘅訪問啦!... 【ThinkPad - Dream Blessed】Guru Online For most people, an advertisement on Social Media is just an ordinary post among hundreds of them. But for people in Guru Online, every single word, every single creative idea is the product of everyone’s devotion. In the rapidly evolving digital marketing industry, a stable laptop with outstanding performance is crucial in improving the productivity. Brian, representative of Guru Online’s IT department will share with us their success story together with ThinkPad, as well as how ThinkPad assist their daily work efficiently. Coming soon! Stay tuned! #LenovoHK #ThinkPad #夢創客 #ThinkPadDreamBlessed #ThinkPad陪伴您邁向成功 展开
Published Date:10/29/2018 10:24:11 AM From:Facebook