【YOGA S730】踏出自我軌跡 時尚纖巧嘅YOGA S730,13.3吋屏幕,機身厚度卻只有1.19cm,收埋係報紙雜誌入面都包無人知,再加上機身輕到由1.1公斤起🕊,咁就可以帶住佢四圍走,隨時踏出自我軌跡!😎 了解更多:
【YOGA S730】Slim and Thin Itself The slim and fashion 13.3” YOGA S730 is just 11.9mm in total, rewriting the definition of thin completely. Adding on is its light body weight starting from 1.1 kg, you can now keep it insides magazines or newspaper and bring it anywhere you want! Learn more:
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