【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】耐熱耐寒.軍事級耐用效能! Yoga Slim 7i Carbon通過多項軍用級耐用度測試,無論低至-25 °C的寒流,還是高至60 °C的熱浪,甚至連95%濕度都能輕鬆應付,全方位耐用效能助你走得更遠,去到邊度都用到啦! 準備投入全新 #LenovoTechTalk 熱潮,感受最熱門嘅科技產品,密切留意住我地嘅Facebook動向啦!... 了解更多:

【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】Hot & Cold-resistant.Military-grade durability! Passing multiple military-grade tests, Yoga Slim 7i Carbon is bound to be more than durable. No matter the temperature goes down to -25°C or up to 60 °C, or even hitting 95% humidity, Yoga Slim 7i Carbon will withstand effortlessly, allowing you to go further with all-round durability! Turn up the heat as we bring you #LenovoTechTalk, a brand-new series that gives you the hottest takes on the coolest gadgets. Stay tuned! Learn more :

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