【Lenovo Tech Talk】密切留意! Yoga Slim 7i Carbon輕盈時尚,擁有皓月白主色同搭載強大Intel®Evo™平台外,仲蘊藏多項卓越功能,想更清楚佢嘅驚人威力?機會嚟啦!嚟緊我地將會為你呈獻 #LenovoTechTalk,由Lenovo團隊以專業角度,同大家介紹同分析最新科技產品!大家記得留意住我地嘅Facebook啦! 了解更多:

... 【Lenovo Tech Talk】Stay tuned! Yoga Slim 7i Carbon is light and stylish. Apart from the attractive moon white and Intel® Evo™, it also has many amazing functions! Do you want to know more about the Yoga Slim 7i Carbon? Get ready for #LenovoTechTalk - a brand-new series coming to you with insider perspective on all the latest gadgets. Learn more :

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