【過年前任務】執好電腦桌面迎新歲! 每個人對解像度嘅要求都唔一樣,Lenovo系列提供多種規格,以高靈活及自由度,迎合不同需要,令大家有最舒適嘅螢幕迎接新年!想有更好視覺享受,梗係趁過年前,打掃埋電腦桌面,🐮牛年工作自然更得心應手! 【Today’s mission】Clean-up your Desktop!... Resolutions are different for everyone, which is why Lenovo's line of laptops are able to cater to any aspirations so you can begin the new year on a high note with a comfortable screen! Want a better visual experience? Let’s Spring – clean your computer desktop on the 28th day of the final month in the lunar new year. Clear some space so you can work more efficiently in the Year of Ox🐮! #Lenovo #Yoga #IdeaPad #HappyLunarNewYear #過年前 #洗邋遢 #執靚個桌面 #做嘢醒神啲 #CNY2021 #牛年大旺 See More