【Lenovo 教育方案】混合教學模式的實踐 隨著面授課堂安排放寬,學校開始循序漸進復課,但仍有部分學生需要留在家中上堂。要做到不論在校在家學習都能有一樣嘅進度,就要打破線上線下交流嘅隔膜,突破既有教學模式嘅框框! Lenovo 嘅混合式教學方案讓學生就算喺屋企透過Microsoft Teams上堂都好似坐咗喺課室咁,清晰見到老師喺電子白板上寫嘅教學內容,一覽無遺;而老師都可以透過Lenovo Learning Management system (LMS) 上載教材或設定問題,比學生喺系統度回答問題或者投票,大大提升師生線上課堂互動嘅積極性同參與度。... 防疫下嘅教學,就係要互動同安全都兩全其美! 了解更多:
【Lenovo Education Solutions】Implementation of the “Hybrid Model” in Education Along with the relaxation of face-to-face classes measures, schools are gradually resuming their classes. But some students still need to learn from home. To ensure that the students at school and the students at home are learning in sync, it is important to eliminate the boundaries between online and offline learning and break away from the traditional education framework! Lenovo’s hybrid education solutions use Microsoft Teams to enable students to participate in classes while they are at home. It is just like learning in the classroom where they can see the content on the whiteboard clearly via their own devices. Additionally, teachers can upload teaching materials or set questions via the Lenovo Learning Management system (LMS). Students can answer questions or vote on the system, increasing the student-teacher interaction and their learning enthusiasm. An engaging and safe teaching model is the key to a successful education during the pandemic! Learn more:
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