【2021 Red Dot Award】Lenovo 勇奪26個獎項 Lenovo秉持革新精神,積極創造既便利工作、生活,又富時尚設計嘅科技產品!
【2021 Red Dot Award】Lenovo 勇奪26個獎項 Lenovo秉持革新精神,積極創造既便利工作、生活,又富時尚設計嘅科技產品!我哋更喺今屆「2021紅點設計大獎」贏取多達26個獎項,成績驕人!當中四款產品更榮獲「Best of the Best」 大獎,佢哋分別係: 🏅 ThinkBook Plus Gen 2i...
🏅 ThinkSmart Hub 🏅 ThinkVision Creator Extreme P27 Monitor 🏅 Yoga 9i 我哋再次喺度多謝世界各地用家對Lenovo嘅支持! 【2021 Red Dot Award】Lenovo won 26 awards Lenovo is dedicated to creating innovative products which combined technology and design for better living! Recently, We have impressive achievement by winning 26 awards in the “2021 Red Dot Award”! Four of them even won the“Best of the Best”, including: 🏅 ThinkBook Plus Gen 2i 🏅 ThinkSmart Hub 🏅 ThinkVision Creator Extreme P27 Monitor 🏅 Yoga 9i Thank you for the supports of fans again! #LenovoHK #2021RedDotAward #ThinkBookPlus #ThinkSmartHub #ThinkVisionCreatorExtreme #Yoga9i 展开