【ThinkSmart Bar】環迴音色.升級會議體驗! 有時幾個同事坐埋一齊喺會議室遙距開會,淨係靠一部電腦嘅內置喇叭播聲,聲音未必足夠,隨時聽漏重點影響工作表現!依個時候你嘅會議室需要一個專業喇叭! ThinkSmart Bar 外型時尚,長身輕量設計方便你將喇叭融入唔同大小嘅office。而且具備DSP降噪功能,消除背景雜音,等你可以更集中聆聽會議內容,效率即時level up!... 了解更多:
【ThinkSmart Bar】Surround Sound.Efficient Online Conferences When you and your colleagues gather for an online meeting in a conference room and share a single laptop, the audio output from the laptop’s built-in speaker may not be sufficient to deliver the sound clearly and may affect your work performance! ThinkSmart Bar has an extended body and lightweight design that makes it easy to set up in different offices! Integrated with DSP noise cancellation, it can eliminate background noise. Boost your concentration and efficiency now! Learn more:
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