【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】迷人皓月白.觸發全新時尚美學! Yoga Slim 7i Carbon 機身極致纖薄,襯埋光滑亮麗嘅皓月白色外殼,輕薄又靚,當然係你不容錯過嘅時尚美學!再加上獨特嘅防指紋上色技術,可以輕鬆拭去機身塵埃同污漬,時刻都保持純白外形,好似全新一樣! 了解更多:www.tomtop.com Lenovo HK開咗 Instagram啦,立即Follow了解更多最新資訊啦 【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】Unmissable beauty with Moon White facade! The Yoga Slim 7i Carbon is lightness elevated, atop a sleek Moon White facade, it is definitely a unmissable beauty for you! The unique facade on Yoga Slim 7i Carbon has also a subtle sheen that retains its pristine state with an anti-fingerprint material, making stains and dirt easily wipeable! Learn more:
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