【Legion Y 系列】日夜無間道 白日,型格高效,快手收工走人👨💼;黑夜,遊走鍵盤,全力殺敵玩到夠⚔🛡。 拎住外在型格,內裡霸氣嘅Legion Y系列,黑藍色調嘅專業外型搭載Intel最新處理器同NVIDIA GeForce GTX 10系列顯示卡,以後無論返工做野定放工打機都有一流表現😎!... 了解更多:
【Legion Y Series】Day & Night of Legion Daytime, nail your work smooth and quick👨💼. At night, carry your teammate like the hero they think⚔🛡. Legion Y Series encases the latest Intel processors and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 10 graphic card with a professional dark blue color tone - A stylish outlook with savage on the outside. Legion Y Series is the key for you to strike a balance between work and gaming life 😎! Learn more:
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