【YOGA C930 畫出自我軌跡】男神林德信型住玩YOGA 望住男神林德信係勁搶眼嘅光影下chok住玩瑜伽,呀~係幸福嘅感覺呀! 今次嘅活動我哋會將全部收入捐俾Smile with us HK,仲會係Sky 100居高臨下咁同大家一齊chill住挑戰健力士世界紀錄! 想係光影下同男神林德信一齊畫出自我軌跡,就唔好猶豫,立即報名啦!... 立即報名:
【YOGA C930 Boost in YOGA Style】 Looking at the charming Alex Lam playing Yoga with light painting everywhere. Omg. Is that what people called “love”? We have lined up with Smile with us HK while all income from the event will be donated to them without any cost reduction! We can also challenge the Guinness World Record together. Wanna have a glimpse of our gentleman Alex at sky high? Click the link below to apply now! Apply Now:
#LenovoHK #discoveryoga #BoostInYOGAStyle #畫出自我軌跡 #日玩YOGA #夜玩YOGA #YOGAxLightPainting 展开