在智慧轉型下,很多不可能事勢將變為可能。 Lenovo早前委託IDC(國際數據資訊)進行嘅一份研究報告《Powering Intelligent Enterprise Transformation(推動智慧企業轉型)》,講述幫助不同公司企業改變佢地嘅工作模式嘅願景!透過一個靈活安全嘅平台,各大組織可以喺任可時候、任何介面、任何程式聯繫、合作以及創新! 想知更多IDC InfoBrief嘅研究內容?想知你嘅公司可以點樣為智慧轉型做好準備?即刻Click入嚟登記,就可以睇到最新企業科技資訊架啦!... Intelligent transformation makes the future of work possible The latest IDC InfoBrief “Powering Intelligent Enterprise Transformation”, sponsored by Lenovo, reinforces the vision and strategy to help businesses transform how they work. With a flexible and secure platform, organizations can connect, collaborate, and innovate anywhere—on any application, any device, at any time. What can you do with the latest digital workspace technology? Check out the link below. Fill in your information and explore IDC InfoBrief now! 展开
Published Date:12/11/2018 9:25:36 AM From:Facebook