【ThinkStation P330 Tower】商務限定禮遇 要業務勝人一籌,自然要有效能強勁嘅電腦幫手!ThinkStation P330 Tower而家做緊商務限時禮遇,全新現貨而家都只係需要$8,899,仲搭配Intel® CoreTM i7-8700處理器、8GB記憶體及內置顯示配置,無論係繁複圖像定多工處理,ThinkStation P330都絕對幫到你! 優惠期間提供現貨發售,仲有其他升級選擇,包括記憶體及NVIDIA® Quadro® 顯示卡。快啲send email嚟hk_comm@lenovo.com,或致電商務客戶熱線+852 2516-3902 / +852 2516-3905啦!... *服務及優惠詳情需參考條款及細則 【ThinkStation P330 Tower】Business Exclusive offer Want a huge leap for your business? The first thing you need is a powerful computer as your stepping stones! With our business exclusive offer right now, you can purchase ThinkStation P330 Tower with just $8,899! Fuel up your business with Intel® CoreTM i7-8700 processors, 8GB RAM and integrated graphics, you can easily nail complicated graphic works and multitask! During the promotion, stocks are available with numerous upgrade options including RAM and NVIDIA® Quadro® graphics! Seize your chance to grab the limited offer! Email us now at hk_comm@lenovo.com or contact our Commercial Customers Hotline at +852 2516-3902 / +852 2516-3905! *For details of services and offers, please refer to the terms and conditions. #LenovoHK #ThinkStation #ThinkStationP330Tower #Workstation #商業客戶專屬優惠 展开
Published Date:12/18/2018 7:22:02 AM From:Facebook