【Legion Y730】單機 vs 連機 鍾意孤身作戰,挑戰自己?定係同朋友聯手抗敵,決戰生死? 無論單機定連機,Legion Y730都會幫你追求完美!型格15吋機身,都遮蓋唔到內在超強霸氣!極致流動處理效能,加上置身現場嘅聲畫質感,任何情況,Legion Y730都係你嘅忠實戰友!... 了解更多:
【Legion Y730】Single or Multiplayer Enjoying solo games with yourself being the final boss, or uniting with friends to beat the villain hand in hand? No matter this or that, Legion Y730 will always make you the best! 15" charming outlook complement with superb processing power and superb vivid audio-graphic experience - this is the true gaming notebook. This is your die-hard companion! Learn more:
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