【Legion of Champions 2019】精彩節目 暢遊電競國度 感激12支電競隊伍嘅熱情參與!
【Legion of Champions 2019】精彩節目 暢遊電競國度 感激12支電競隊伍嘅熱情參與!除咗再次恭喜AWE STAR成為今屆Legion of Champions總冠軍,現場仲有精彩嘅歌舞表演、LOL Cosplay同VR 體驗比大家玩,感受電競國度嘅吸引力。當然要讚下有型又霸氣嘅Lenovo Legion啦,全靠佢將打機威力發揮得淋漓盡致,滿足每位電競選手對電競硬體設備規格嘅極高需求! 【Legion of Champions 2019】Appreciate The Legion of Champions 2019... Thank you all for participating in the competition and the fantasy Cosplay! AWE STAR is the champion of this year's Legion of Champions. There were wonderful performances, LOL Cosplay, and VR experience promoting the e-sports during the event. The powerful beast - Lenovo Legion, was the power of the machine to fully meet the e-sports equipment. Very high demand for specifications! #LenovoHK #Legion #LOCIII #Thailand #Cosplay #Recap #LOL 展开
Published Date:1/29/2019 11:59:58 AM From:Facebook