【情人節 孖住一齊好Sweet】 形單隻影咁孤伶伶,不如孖住一齊Sweet!即日起至2月28日,購買指定型號產品,第一部即可享8折優惠,同時再買第二部仲可享7折優惠!時尚簡約嘅IdeaPad搭專業實用嘅ThinkPad,羨煞旁人;霸氣Legion加埋醒目YOGA,天生一對。超過過百款組合任你揀,係時候乘「機」表白。數量有限;售完即止 了解更多:
It is more romantic to stay with him/her. From now until February 28th, purchasing the same models as wave 1, can enjoy a 20% discount on the first laptop and a 30% discount for the second one! Simple and elegant IdeaPad and the practical ThinkPad are the best choices. Powerful Legion and flexibly smart YOGA are perfect match– more than 100 combinations available –buying a new laptop to fulfill your love! Learn more:
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