【Legion】工作型格 玩樂霸氣 Legion傳奇級規格向來表現出色,日間輕易藏身喺辦公室做你拼搏嘅工作夥伴,放工可以開波認真遊戲,盡情享受第 8 代 Intel®Core™ H 流動處理器,約埋一眾好友參與緊湊戰局。認真遊戲,型格工作咁至係Work-Life Balance,致勝關鍵在您手! 了解更多: www.tomtop.com 【Legion】Pencil Pushing, Squad Rushing. The Legion has always been impressive. It is easy to work with it during daytime. You can also play the game after work and enjoy the 8th generation Intel® Core™ H processor. Gather a group of friends in the compact battle. Work hard play hard, this is the key to success! Learn more:
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