【YOGABOOK C930】再潮濕都唔洗怕 有咩慘得過星期一返工,咪就係星期一回南天返工。 回南天真濕濟,畫畫畫到畫紙畫具都濕哂唔聽話,最怕就係連心愛嘅畫作都化埋!面對100%相對濕度,唔通淨係可以畫水彩?... 好彩隨手帶住YOGABOOK C930,除左超輕機身方便隨身攜帶外,鍵盤一按瞬間變身繪圖板,感壓粗細彷如紙繪。筆觸細緻,永久保存,潮濕天氣冇有怕! 唔怕潮濕,想畫乜就畫乜! 了解更多:
【YOGABOOK C930】Quit Homichlophobia What’s making Monday even blue? Heavy humidity! In heavy humidity days, painting tools are too moist to function, even finished art pieces are also turning bad. Facing 100% relative humidity, there is a way out. Bring YOGABOOK C930, it is ultra-lightness and easy to carry. Keyboard switch into a pressure-sensitive drawing board in just one click, which gives you actual touch as well as on papers. Meticulous and permanent brush strokes show no fear in any weather! Learn more:
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