【YOGA S730】Marvel迷號外! 大家今日喺Google搜尋Thanos嘅時候,有冇發現有啲唔同呢….? 入場追睇End Game之前,最啱就係用Yoga S730重溫返哂之前嘅Marvel電影!佢嘅廣角顯示器超薄彷如無邊,配合Dolby Atmos環迴立體聲喇叭,俾你家庭影院級享受!... 了解更多:
【YOGA S730】Attention! Marvel fans! When you google “Thanos” today, spot anything surprising? Before watching the latest Avengers, it’s best to catch up the previous marvel movie series on Yoga S730! With the FHD wide-angle display and immersive sound from the Dolby Atmos Speaker System, it surely will transform your viewing and entertainment experience like never before! Speaker System, it surely will transform your viewing and entertainment experience like never before! Learn more:
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