【Lenovo x Spatial Technology】創新科技推動數碼建築 Lenovo聯同Spatial Technology創立嘅數碼建築技術創新中心於6月5日正式開幕。
【Lenovo x Spatial Technology】創新科技推動數碼建築 Lenovo聯同Spatial Technology創立嘅數碼建築技術創新中心於6月5日正式開幕。創新中心致力推動數碼建築技術,包括以BIM(建築信息模擬)改善現有土木工程主要以圖紙嚟設計同埋執行嘅做法,從而協助業界提高工程質量、縮短工程時間、減省人手同埋節約成本。 創新中心配備Lenovo贊助嘅ThinkStation P系列工作站,提供BIM所需嘅卓越性能同穩定表現,畀學員專注於導師教授,令BIM技術訓練事半功倍!... 【Lenovo x Spatial Technology】Digital Construction Innovation The Digital Construction InnoTech Centre, a collaboration between Lenovo and Spatial Technology, was officially launched on 5th June. The Centre aims to promote digital construction technologies, including BIM (Building Information Model) applications, in replacement of the current practice in civil engineering projects that relies on drawings as the basis for design and execution. The objective is to improve the quality of engineering design works, shorten construction time, reduce manpower and save costs. The exceptional performance of the ThinkStation P Series workstations sponsored and deployed by Lenovo at the InnoTech Centre will ensure the smooth and reliable operation of the BIM software, so trainees can focus on their training sessions conducted by practitioners, optimizing the effectiveness of the BIM trainings! #LenovoHK #ThinkStation #Workstations 展开
Published Date:6/10/2019 10:30:03 AM From:Facebook