【#Lenovo #eShop #官方專門店 #指定經銷商 #購物 #買得不同買得更好 #購物大抽獎】 Lenovo購物「賞」您遊大抽獎 得獎結果 多謝大家踴躍參與,購物「賞」您遊結果終於出爐喇!恭喜以下4位得獎者,將可以獲得皇牌獎品型號或者國泰東京雙人來回機票!... 大獎 YOGA C930 (81C4007YHH) - Siu Yu Kuen (429xxx4341) 二獎ThinkPad X1 Extreme (20MFS08700) - Lo Ka Chun (6130/73xxx94)
三獎 國泰航空日本東京雙人來回機票 - Pistis Lau (429xxx5579)
四獎IdeaPad L340 Gaming - Ho Man Ho (SM-19-V01-0xx70) 您亦可即到官網獲得完整得獎名單:
所有得獎者將會由有專責同事透過電郵通知領獎詳情,期間敬請耐心等候。電子禮券亦會透過電郵發送,大家記得收信喇!再一次多謝所有參與抽獎嘅粉絲,好快Lenovo eShop 及官方專門店就會有下一次「賞」你活動,記得留意喇! 推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼:52212 【Lenovo eShop, Brand Store & Authorised reseller Lucky Draw WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT】
Thank you all for participating in the contest! Congratulations to 4 winners who receive our Lenovo flagship PCs or Cathay Pacific Tokyo return tickets. 1st Prize YOGA C930 (81C4007YHH) - Siu Yu Kuen (429xxx4341)
2nd Prize ThinkPad X1 Extreme (20MFS08700) - Lo Ka Chun (6130/73xxx94)
3rd Prize A Pair of Cathay Pacific Tokyo return tickets - Pistis Lau (429xxx5579)
4th Prize IdeaPad L340 Gaming - Ho Man Ho (SM-19-V01-0xx70) Please visit our website for full reward list:
Winners who receive physical prizes will be contacted by email, and e-coupon will be distributed by email. Once again, thank you for your participation and stay tuned to Lenovo eShop and Brand Store for more surprises and rewards! Trade Promotion Competition License: 52212 #LenovoHK 展开