【電腦通訊節 Lenovo指定產品低至6折】 由即日起到8月26日, 又到左大家最期待嘅電腦節,今年Lenovo將會喺J01同E12-14攤位等候大家! 事不宜遲,不如睇下今年有咩熱推產品啦!... 包括咗配備最新Intel Core i7 處理器、NVIDIA GeForce® 顯示卡同埋 Dolby Audio™靚聲嘅IdeaPad L340 Gaming,助你隨時投入戰況!仲有優化咗散熱系統,性能媲美桌上電腦強大效能嘅LEGION Y540,係遊戲玩家嘅精選!同埋文書王IdeaPad S145,伴你日常通行無難度! 所有優惠產品數量有限,大家快D take action啦! 【Lenovo Computer and Communications Festival SUPER SALE Up to 40%OFF】 From today until 26 Aug, the Long-awaited Computer Festival is going to take place, this year, Lenovo booth will be at J01 and E12-14. We will be offering special discounts on our Lenovo products including IdeaPad L340 Gaming equipped with the latest Intel Core i7 processing, NVIDIA GeForce® graphics card and enhanced Dolby Audio™. Also our thermally optimized model LEGION Y540 deliver desktop-caliber gaming , is primed for those who demand gaming wherever life takes them. Moreover our word processing guru IdeaPad S145 model to ensure great performance. All our offer comes in limited quantity, join us and act now! #LenovoHK #IdeaPadL340 #LEGIONY540 #IdeaPadS145 #香港電腦通訊節2019 #優惠狂賞 #激筍價 展开