【Lenovo Smart Vending Machine】 Lenovo Smart Vending Machine利用IoT嘅技術,畀用戶體驗不同於傳統販賣機嘅購買經驗! Smart Vending Machine入面放置咗不同嘅電腦配件,用戶就可以更加方便快捷,甚至24小時都可以買到需要既產品!... 最近我哋喺兩間大學放左呢部機, 畀啲學生哥試用下,提升用戶體驗! 【Lenovo Smart Vending Machine】 Lenovo applies IoT technology on the Smart Vending to provide a different buying experience for customers! The machine filled with various accessories. People can purchase the products more conveniently, even 24/7! We have installed the machine at 2 selected universities, which allow students to try and improve the customer experience. #LenovoHK #SmartVendingMachine 展开