【YOGA C940】非凡音質享受 翻轉螢幕,YOGA C940即刻變成你嘅個人點唱機! 結合360度旋轉音箱連 Dolby Atmos®喇叭系統,呈現360度立體醉人音色!... 配上觸控螢幕,隨手一按即可揀歌及調較音量。畀你隨時享受音樂,隨歌輕舞! 了解更多:
【YOGA C940】An audio system like no other Flip the screen, and you can turn YOGA C940 into your jukebox! Combined with a 360 Rotating Sound Bar with Dolby Atmos® Speaker System, delivers breathtaking, three-dimensional audio. With a touch screen, you can select songs and adjust the volume with one touch. Enjoy your favorite music any time and dance with the song to unwind now! Learn more:
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