【Legion of Champions IV 2019】決賽激戰🏆精彩圓滿 一連三日喺曼谷舉行嘅Legion of Champions IV
【Legion of Champions IV 2019】決賽激戰🏆精彩圓滿 一連三日喺曼谷舉行嘅Legion of Champions IV (LOC IV)同Legion of Valkyries (LOV) 順利完成喇! 特別多謝香港隊代表 #BlackSnowman 同各個電競隊伍為大家帶來連場高超電子競技,令觀眾樂而忘返!最後,要恭喜 #AerowolfProTeam 同 #illuminate 分別奪得LOC IV同LOV嘅冠軍寶座,成為PUBG皇者!一齊回顧我哋今年嘅驚艷時刻!... 【Legion of Champions IV 2019】Here comes our champions🏆
The 3-day Legion of Champions IV in Bangkok went to an end! Special thanks to the Hong Kong team #BlackSnowman and other e-Sports talents delivered a splendid competition with their superb gaming skills. Congratulations to #AerowolfProTeam and #illuminate won the PUBG champion of LOC IV and LOV respectively! Let’s see how exciting it was through these photos! #Lenovo #Legion #LOCIV #LOV #Stylishoutside #Savageinside 展开
Published Date:12/17/2019 8:59:59 AM From:Facebook