【YOGA C940】澎湃音樂 震撼享受 YOGA C940 非凡音樂之旅正式啟航! 360度旋轉音箱,結合Dolby Atmos®喇叭系統,全方位打造3D立體音色!配合長達18小時嘅電池續航力,讓你無時無刻盡情搖擺,享受無干擾嘅音樂盛宴!... 了解更多:
【Be Blown Away by the YOGA C940】 YOGA C940 beats the drums with its extraordinary music capabilities! Indulge into a world of music with the 360-degree Rotating Sound Bar with Dolby Atmos®! With up to 18 hours of battery life, you can play your favorite tunes all day long! Learn more:
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