【流動工作必備配件】 依家越來越多人需要遙距工作甚至在家工作,只要有以下三件電腦配件,無論喺邊度都可以隨時set好你嘅工作間! 1⃣ 外型纖薄嘅ThinkVision M14行動顯示器,一插就可以即刻延伸你嘅工作區。開住幾個視窗同時工作都冇問題,生產力即時double up!... 2⃣Lenovo 700 超薄藍牙音箱好似智慧型手機一樣輕薄,而且擁有極致嘅360度音質,任何位置都收到清晰嘅聲音,仲可以直接按音箱上嘅制接聽電話,以後開Conference Call都冇甩拖! 3⃣ 一應俱全嘅Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub輕巧便攜,可以一次過輕鬆連接新型同傳統裝置,仲可以同時為其充電,做起野上黎更加得心應手! 了解更多:

【Must-Haves for the Mobile Working】 Working offsite or even work from home is an on-going trend nowadays, the 3 computer accessories below help you fully equipped and prepared! 1⃣ The ultralight ThinkVision M14 allows you to extend your workspace wherever you are. Double-up your productivity. 2⃣ As thin and lightweight as a smartphone, the Lenovo 700 Ultraportable Bluetooth Speaker featured with the touch controls has the ultimate 360-degree sound quality, allowing you to receive a crystal clear and high-quality conference call anywhere. 3⃣ Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub has multiple connectors, allowing you to connect and charge the new and legacy devices wherever you happen to be. You can work even more effectively and efficiently. Learn more:

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