【LEGION T530】霸氣蛻變 體驗前所未有新境界 電競世界高潮迭起,LEGION伴你突破遊戲框架! LEGION T530桌上電腦, 最高搭載 NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060Ti GDDR5 4G,讓你感受極致高清嘅遊戲畫質,無時無刻享受虛擬世界帶嚟嘅刺激!... LEGION T530,帶你穿梭遊戲世界! 了解更多:
【LEGION T530】Explore New Realms Let LEGION accompany you on your journey into eSports! The LEGION T530 Tower is equipped with the new NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060Ti GDDR5 4G graphics card, providing excellent graphic performance at the highest quality. Experience the ultimate high-definition game quality and delve into the gaming world with LEGION T530 now! Learn More:
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