【Lenovo S540】Study from Home! 溫書要有skill,考試唔可以chill!一部卓越效能嘅電腦,幫你喺屋企提升專注力,啟動最強溫書mode! 纖薄時尚嘅Lenovo S540,最高搭載第10代Intel® Core™i7 處理器,擁有長達 9 小時的電池續航力*,讓你有更充裕嘅時間爭分奪秒追上每一個chapter,考試穩取高分冇難道!Fighting!... Lenovo S540,係你在家溫習嘅最強武器! *以 MobileMark 2014 所進行的測試為準。電池續航力會視乎設定、使用情況及其他因素而出現顯著差異。 了解更多:

【Lenovo S540】 Study from Home! Time to skill up your studies! A computer with great performance can help you improve your concentration and kick-start your study mode! Powered by 10th Gen Intel® Core™ processors and up to 9 hours of battery life*, the slim and stylish Lenovo S540 can keep up with you in every chapter by giving you all the time you need! Studying and getting good marks will not be a problem! Lenovo S540 is your best study companion! *Based on testing with MobileMark 2014. Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage, and other factors. Learn more:

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