【LEGION 7i 】皇者氣場‧初夏震撼登場! 作為頂級電競戰士,專屬電腦要滿足性能、流暢、視覺及音效等高要求!萬眾期待嘅LEGION 7i今個夏天已經蓄勢待發,同你盡情激鬥!追求神級力量嘅你,又係時候「潮」聖啦! 現正開放預售! 詳情:
【LEGION 7i】A New Winner is premiered under the summer heat! As a top-notch e-Sports player, the laptop must also be outstanding! Its high performance providing smooth visuals and sounds makes it a definite winner! The greatly anticipated LEGION 7i is coming soon to join you on the battlefield with pre-order offer now! Are you ready to become the champion? Pre-order now! Details:
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