【IdeaPad Slim 5i】靈感起源‧創意躍現! 創作無分日與夜,靈感隨時湧現!效能卓越的IdeaPad Slim 5i為你演繹意念,創造傑作!搭載第10代Intel®Core™ i7處理器,編輯多媒體時流暢快速!配合12小時長效電力*,助你支援專案工作、休閒娛樂,投入精彩新生活!仲有14及15吋顯示器以供選擇! 了解更多:
*以 MobileMark 2014 所進行的測試為準。電池續航力會視乎設定、使用情況及其他因素而出現顯著差異。 【IdeaPad Slim 5i】When Inspiration Begins Inspiration starts with an idea! Muses can appear at any time! IdeaPad Slim 5i can easily help you build your ideas into masterpieces! Equipped with up to 10th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 Processor, it allows you to efficiently edit any media! With 12 hours of battery life, it gives you plenty of time to work and play! There are 14 and 15 inch screen sizes for your choice! Learn more:
*Based on testing with MobileMark 2014. Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage, and other factors. #LenovoHK #IdeaPadSlim5i #ItBeginsWithAnIdea 展开