【Lenovo X Aston Martin】 Lenovo正式宣佈成為Aston Martin官方合作伙伴! 一直以來,Lenovo都與Aston Martin在多個專業範疇有緊密的合作,包括工程、設計、可視化技術、機械結構等。這次的官方合作關係,見證兩者將以相同理念,進一步加強連繫。... Lenovo對Aston Martin力臻完美的執著致以敬意,並熱切期望與他們及NVIDIA團隊合作,迸發強大創意,共創繁盛未來! 了解更多:
【Lenovo X Aston Martin】 We are proud to announce our official partnership with Aston Martin. This partnership is the evolution of an existing relationship that spans a multitude of disciplines within the automotive field including engineering, design, visualization, and architecture. We have a great respect for Aston Martin’s commitment to perfection and look forward to working alongside them and the NVIDIA team to continue designing the future. Learn more:
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