【LEGION 7i】電王與你即時參戰! 有強勁筆電,梗係愈玩愈掂! 新登場LEGION 7i電競筆電,配備高效快速充電電池,最高達8小時續航力*,去到邊度開戰都唔駛怕咁快無電啦!隨時投入電玩世界,感受精彩無限!現正開放預售!... 了解更多:
*以 MobileMark 2014 所進行的測試為準。電池續航力會視乎設定、使用情況及其他因素而出現顯著差異。 【LEGION 7i】Power King is arrival! Not only are the stylish and offer powerful performance, but our latest LEGION7i gaming laptops also come with a rapid charging battery that lasts up to 8 hours*. Game wherever you want today! Pre-order now! Learn more:
*Based on testing with MobileMark 2014. Battery life varies significantly with settings, usage, and other factors. #LenovoHK #LEGION #LEGION7i #GamingLaptop #PowerfulBattery #電王參戰 #Stylishoutside #Savageinside 展开