【YOGA Duet 7i】四大模式‧盡享靈活創作! 專業設計、輕鬆創作定係想攤抖吓煲吓劇,YOGA Duet 7i一機攪掂 ✌,24x7都有最爽體驗! 特設四種模式,平板、筆電、繪圖及自由,嘆住咁享受你想要嘅模式!更配備13吋100% sRGB色域IPS觸控螢幕,加埋Lenovo E-color Pen,支援Wacom AES,畫嘢當然細緻又方便啦 🎨!... Tablet重量由0.8kg 起,連鍵盤都係1.16kg起咋 😍!仲諗? 早買早享受啊! 了解更多:
【YOGA Duet 7i】Four Modes For Creativity Whether you're working on professional artwork, designing leisurely or just streaming drama, the YOGA Duet 7i can do it all ✌ in 24x7! You can just enjoy a mode for every mood ☺! YOGA Duet 7i has four modes (tablet, laptop, drawing and freestyle) to suit your needs! It also features a 13 inch 100% sRGB color accuracy IPS touchscreen along with a Lenovo E-color Pen that can capture color when you point it at real-life objects while supporting Wacom AES! Enhance your artwork and work with ease 🎨! The weight of the tablet is only 0.8kg and only 1.16kg with the keyboard 😍! Try it now! Learn more:
#LenovoHK #Lenovo #YogaDuet7i #神來之筆 #四種模式一定有一個啱你用 #早買早享受 #一機攪掂 展开