【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】你嘅必備隨身物品? Yoga Slim 7 Carbon重量由966克起,極緻輕盈纖薄,放落都市潮人嘅背囊🎒、公事包💼之後,仲有充足空間放不同小物品,例如外置充電器、水樽等,令生活更精彩、方便!😍 留言分享你出街一定會帶嘅嘢啦~... 【Yoga Slim 7i Carbon】What essentials do you carry in your bag? The unbelievably light from 966g, the Yoga Slim 7 Carbon allows urban commuters to carry other important items in their bag 💼such as a power bank, or water bottle without adding significant weight. 😍 What do you carry in yours? #LenovoHK #Yoga #unexperiencemobility #YogaSlim7iCarbon #LightnessElevated #IntelEvo #蓄勢待發 #迎戰未來 #羽毛輕盈 #極緻體驗 #BagEssentials #mobility #Ultralight #出街必備 #重量由966克起 展开
Published Date:10/28/2020 4:59:58 AM From:Facebook