Would OxygenOS by any other name still be as Fast and Smooth?
Would OxygenOS by any other name still be as Fast and Smooth? As part of the naming contest for OxygenOS back in 2015, we received roughly 75,000 entries 🤯 Take a look at 10 of the other shortlisted entries that were in contention 👇... Opus
Nomad OS CosmOS Muse Karma OnePlus ROM StratOS Carbon ElementOS DaVinci Do you like any of the other options or did we make the perfect choice with OxygenOS? 😍 Fun fact: We actually consulted with a chemistry professor after we chose OxygenOS. We asked if we include Potassium in the name, but he said that was just OK 😐 See More
Published Date:8/26/2020 10:42:09 AM From:Facebook