BERITA BAIK!! Bagi memenuhi Selera dan kehendak utama pasaran Utara hingga ke Selatan. UTS Tackles telah menyediakan Jig Bulleto 40gram Color CHROME dan CHAMELEON UV untuk Anda semua. Sasaran Utama adalah Tenggiri Rakus Johor dan Tenggiri Remaja yang belum putus susu di belah Utara Tanah Air.... Chameleon Special UV Coating akan bercahaya UV Purple Light apabila lampu UV di suluhkan. Apalagiii weiiii!!! Hantamm kasi tengok!! Shopee Purchase: 
To fulfill the appetite and main will of the North to South market. UTS Tackles has provided Jig Bulleto 40 grams Color CHROME and CHAMELEON UV for you all.
The Main Target is the Mackerel of Johor's Rakus and the Teenager's Tenggiri that has not broken milk in the North Side of the Land.
Chameleon Special UV Coating will glow UV Purple Light when UV lights are ignored.
What else!!! Let's see it!!
Shopee Purchase: