Some teachers love drawing during their lectures to make the class engaging,
Some teachers love drawing during their lectures to make the class engaging, but it's hard to realize it with a mouse in online-lecture. This is where the XP-Pen graphics tablet or display comes in. Our tablet allows users to hand-draw images, graphics, and diagrams to create information-rich content for an interactive learning atmosphere, even in a virtual learning environment. ✍️
@dr.jabbour2 is a Science Professeur, and she gets to annotate the PowerPoint as she is pre...senting, using her #xppentablet. She said: “Students stay engaged, yet comfortable in their own homes. It’s a win-win situation. 🤓” #XPPen #onlinelearning #elearning #teacher #zoomlecture #professorlife #collegeprofessor #xppen #trackpad #zoom #graphictablet #distanceeducation See More