Play word puzzle and win the newest XP-Pen drawing monitor!
Play word puzzle and win the newest XP-Pen drawing monitor! #Artist22RProPuzzle You say you are expecting a bigger size tablet, so we bring out the new model-Artist 22R Pro.
Besides the huge 21.5-inch screen, Artist 22R Pro comes with 5 amazing features:... 1. Shortcuts and red dXXX 2. TXXX-C connection 3. TXXX 4. High XXXXX XXXXX coverage 5. BXXXXXX-XXXX pen 6. You can guess one more function if you want Fill out the missing letters in the comments. Those who get all the correct answers will have a chance to win #Artist22RPro for #FREE. The result will be revealed on Nov. 8th. Let's see who can be the 🅻🆄🅲🅺🆈 guy!🥳 Notes. To participate in this game, you should also: 1. like @xppen 2. share this post #XPPen #XPPenArtist22RPro #Giveaway #digitaldisplay 展开
Published Date:11/5/2019 10:34:45 AM From:Facebook