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WAZAZI tunajua Darasa la SABA wataanza MTIHANI WA TAIFA Kesho tarehe 07-10-2020,   

WAZAZI tunajua Darasa la SABA wataanza MTIHANI WA TAIFA Kesho tarehe 07-10-2020, Mungu awabariki wafanye vizuri
WAZAZI tunajua Darasa la SABA wataanza MTIHANI WA TAIFA Kesho tarehe 07-10-2020, Mungu awabariki wafanye vizuri

1. Asome maelekezo yote kwa uangalifu kwenye kila ukurasa. 2. Ajibu maswali anayoyaelewa vizuri kwanza. Maswali magumu atayajibu mwisho. 3. Apange muda wa kila swali kuendana na idadi ya maswali anayotakiwa kujibu akizingatia masaa ya mtihani. 4. Kitabu chake cha kujibia mtihani ni kitu muhimu sana, asikichafue au kikilowanisha. 5. Baada ya kumaliza mtihani, ahakikishe amejibu maswali yote anayotakiwa kujibu. 6. Apitie maelekezo yote aliyopewa kwa mara nyingine na ahakikishe amezingatia yote. 7. Mwisho amshukuru Mungu kwa maombi. Kwa sababu alisoma vizuri atafaulu tu. Nawapenda wote na naamini hayo niliyowaandikia yatawasaidia kwa namna moja au nyingine kwenye mtihani wao. Jacob Noel Urasa - Mwanzilishi wa tHL See MoreParents we know the Saba class will start the national exam tomorrow on 07-10-2020th, may god bless them to do well. Important things to consider:

1. The time is near, and the children have read well, tell them that they will succeed and tomorrow they will enter the test without worry.

2. Parent care about the child's health at this time. He should not be late to sleep, eat food and drink clean and safe water and use mosquito net during sleep. Pray to God everyday and he will continue to give him good health.

3. When the test day comes: Prepare all the equipment needed for the test, then he comes early to the test room at least half an hour before the test. Teach him to pray to God at least for a minute and then have faith God will help him. After that he should calm his mind and wait for the test.

When he has been given test paper:
1. Read all instructions carefully on each page.

2. Answer the questions he understands first. Hard questions will answer them at the end.

3. He should arrange the time of each question in accordance with the number of questions he should answer according to the test hours.

4. His book of testing is very important, not to defile it or divorce it.

5. After he has finished the test, he has answered all the questions he should answer.

6. Let him pass through all the instructions that he has been given once again, and make sure that he has kept all things.

7. Finally thank God for prayer. Because he read well he will just succeed.

I love you all and I believe what I wrote for them will help them in one way or another in their exams.

Jacob Noel Urasa - founder of tHLTranslated

Published Date:10/6/2020 5:54:39 AM    From:Facebook   

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