#AnakGarmin, yuk sebarkan virus berlari di keluarga!
#AnakGarmin, yuk sebarkan virus berlari di keluarga! Mungkin bisa dengan mengajak anak atau adik untuk lari bersama. Nah, supaya mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti, kamu bisa mencoba beberapa tips berikut ini. Selain itu, kalau kamu punya tips lain yang sudah dipraktekkan dan berhasil? Boleh lho sharing tipsnya di kolom komentar. #GarminTips...
#GarminID See More#Anakgarmin, let's spread the virus running in the family! Might be able to take a child or sister to run together. Well, in order for them to be interested in following, you can try some of the following tips.
Besides, if you have any other tips that have been practiced and successful? It is okay to share the tip in the comment column.
#GarminTips #GarminIDTranslated
Published Date:7/18/2019 10:22:23 AM From:Facebook